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Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement Fee Schedule

Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement Fee Schedule

Lake and streambed alteration agreements are an essential aspect of protecting California`s water resources. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) administers programs that regulate activities, including those related to dams, stream diversions, and wetland or streambed alterations. When a project requires an alteration agreement, the CDFW charges a fee to cover the expense of reviewing and processing the application. This article will explore the fee schedule for these agreements.

The CDFW issues three types of lake and streambed alteration agreements: Standard, Expedited, and Emergency. Each agreement type has different fees associated with it. A Standard agreement is for a project that requires the most extensive review and analysis, whereas an Expedited agreement is for modifications or activities that are considered minor or routine. An Emergency agreement is issued when there is an imminent threat to public safety or the environment.

The fees associated with each agreement type vary based on the project`s size, complexity, and duration. The CDFW issues a fee schedule for each agreement type, which lists the application, review, and inspection fees. For example, the standard fee for a Standard agreement application is $4,214, while the fee for an Expedited agreement is $1,071. The application fee for an Emergency agreement is $214.

In addition to the application fee, there are also review fees. The CDFW charges a review fee for each hour spent reviewing an application. Review fees can be significant for large and complex projects. The hourly rate for a review fee is $185 per hour.

Inspection fees are also included in the fee schedule and are charged when an inspection is required. For each inspection, the CDFW charges a flat rate of $282. Inspection fees are charged for both Standard and Expedited agreements, but not for Emergency agreements.

It`s important to note that the fees listed in the fee schedule are subject to change. The CDFW reviews and updates the fee schedule regularly to reflect changes in processing costs. Additionally, the CDFW may require additional fees if a project requires multiple alterations or modifications.

In conclusion, if you are planning a project that involves the alteration of a lake or streambed in California, you should be aware of the fees associated with obtaining an alteration agreement. The fees vary based on the type of agreement, the project`s size, complexity, and duration. Following the fee schedule, it`s essential to ensure that your project complies with all CDFW regulations and that you take the necessary steps to protect California`s precious water resources.


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